1999 - Song Lyrics / Information / Chart History

  • Written and originally performed by Prince (born Prince Roger Nelson)
  • He was named after the Prince Roger Trio, a group led by his father
  • The party song was a #12 Top 40 hit in 1983
  • It later became an anthem for the new millennium celebration in (surprise)...1999

Don't worry, I won't hurt you
I only want you to have some fun
I was dreamin' when I wrote this
Forgive me if it goes astray

But when I woke up this mornin'
Coulda sworn it was judgment day
The sky was all purple,
There were people runnin' everywhere

Tryin' to run from the destruction,
You know I didn't even care

'Cuz they say two thousand zero zero party over,
Oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999

I was dreamin' when I wrote this
So sue me if I go too fast
But life is just a party, and parties weren't meant to last

War is all around us, my mind says prepare to fight
So if I gotta die I'm gonna listen to my body tonight
Yeah, they say two thousand zero zero party over,
Oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999


Lemme tell ya somethin'
If U didn't come to party,
Don't bother knockin' on my door
I got a lion in my pocket,
And baby he's ready to roar

Yeah, everybody's got a bomb,
We could all die any day
But before I'll let that happen,
I'll dance my life away

Oh, they say two thousand zero zero party over,
Oops out of time
We're runnin' outta time (Tonight I'm gonna)
So tonight we gonna (party like it's 1999)
We gonna, oww
Say it one more time
Two thousand zero zero party over oops, out of time
No, no (Tonight I'm gonna)
So tonight we gonna (party like it's 1999)

Alright, it's 1999
You say it, 1999

1999 don't stop, don't stop, say it one more time
Two thousand zero zero party over,
Oops out of time
Yeah, yeah (Tonight I'm gonna)
So tonight we gonna (party like it's 1999)
We gonna, oww

Yeah, 1999 (1999)
Don'tcha wanna go (1999)
Don'tcha wanna go (1999)
We could all die any day (1999)
I don't wanna die,
I'd rather dance my life away (1999)

Listen to what I'm tryin' to say
Everybody, everybody say party
C'mon now, U say party
That's right, everybody say (Party)
Can't run from the revelation, no (Party)
Sing it for your nation y'all (Party)
Tell me what you're singin', baby say (Party)
Telephone's a-ringin', mama (Party)
C'mon, c'mon, U say (Party)
Everybody, [two times] (Party)
Work it down to the ground, say (Party)

Come on, take my body, baby (Party)
That's right, c'mon, sing the song (Party)

That's right (Party)
Got a lion in my pocket mama, say (Party)
Oh--and he's ready to roar (Party)
Mommy--why does everybody have a bomb?
Mommy--why does everybody have a bomb?

Note that the song lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711