Copacabana (At The Copa) - Barry Manilow
Song Lyrics / Artist Information / Chart History

  • Written and originally performed by Barry Manilow (born  Barry Alan Pincus on 6/17/46)
  • Manilow studied music at Juilliard School of Music
  • In 1972 he was Bette Midler's piano accompanist in New York's Continental Bathhouse Nightclub as she was first getting her start, and later produced her first two albums
  • A popular jingle writer, he wrote (and performed on) jingles for Dr Pepper, State Farm, Band-Aids, and his biggest...McDonalds' "You Deserve A Break Today"
  • Copacabana was a #8 Top 40 hit in 1978

Song Lyrics - Capacabana

Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl
With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there
She would merengue and do the cha-cha
But while she tried to be a star,
Tony always tended bar

Across the crowded floor, he worked from 8 til 4
They were young and they had each other
Who could ask for more?

At the Copa, Copacabana
The hottest spot north of Havana
At the Copa, Copacabana
Music and passion were always in fashion
At the Copa....they fell in love.

His name was Rico. He wore a diamond.
He was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancing there
And when she finished, he called her over,
But Rico went a bit to far,
Tony sailed across the bar
And then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in two
There was blood and a single gun shot
But just who shot who?

At the Copa, Copacabana
The hottest spot north of Havana
At the Copa, Copacabana
Music and passion were always in fashion
At the Copa....she lost her love.

Copa... Copacabana... music and passion... always the fashion...

Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl,
But that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a show.
Now it's a disco, but not for Lola,
Still in the dress she used to wear,
Faded feathers in her hair.

She sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blind.
She lost her youth and she lost her Tony,
Now she's lost her mind!

At the Copa, Copacabana
The hottest spot north of Havana
At the Copa, Copacabana
Music and passion were always in fashion
At the Copa....don't fall in love.

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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