Hot! Hot! Hot! - Buster Poindexter
Song Lyrics / Chart History / Artist Information

  • Written by Soca musician Alphonsus Celestine Edmund Cassell, also known as "Arrow" (born 11/16/54 in Montserrat, West Indies)
  • Soco music is basically a cross between Soul and Calypso
  • By far the most popular version of the song was recorded by David Johansen, who performed under the pseudonym Buster Poindexter
  • Johanson had originally fronted the 1970s punk band The New York Dolls
  • Although gratified that the song paid the bills, he later referred to the song as "the bane of my life"
  • Buster Poindexter's version of Hot Hot Hot was released in 1987, and the song is a party classic, but it never cracked the Billboard Top 40

An excerpt from a live Oracle performance is available as both a streaming RealAudio format, or as a higher quality downloadable MP3.  Select the version you'd prefer.

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Ole Ole Ole Ole
Ole Ole Ole Ole


Me mind on fire, me soul on fire
Feelin' hot hot hot
Party people, all around me
Feelin hot hot hot

Oh what to do, on a night like this
Music's sweet, I can't resist
We need, a party song
A fun, Jamaican jam

So we can boom boom boom boom
Yeah arroom boom boom boom

See people rockin' yeah people chantin'
Feelin' hot hot hot
Keep up the spirit come on let's do it
Feelin' hot hot hot

It's in the air, celebration time
Music's sweet, captivate your mind
We have, this party song
This fun, Jamaican jam

So we can boom boom boom boom
Yeah arroom boom boom boom

Feelin' hot hot hot
Feelin' hot hot hot

Oh lord

Ole Ole Ole Ole
Ole Ole Ole Ole
Ole Ole Ole Ole
Ole Ole Ole Ole

(Spoken) People in the party hot hot hot
People in the party hot hot hot
They come to the party knowin what they got
They come to the party knowin what they got
I'm hot, you're hot, he's hot, she's hot
I' hot, you're hot, he's hot, she's hot


How you feelin'? HOT HOT HOT
How you feelin'? HOT HOT HOT
How you feelin'? HOT HOT HOT
How you feelin'? HOT HOT HOT

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Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711