If You're Not In It For Love - Song Lyrics

  • Written by Mutt Lange & Shania Twain
  • Originally performed by Shania Twain (born Eileen Edwards 8/28/65 in Windsor Ontario)
  • The song was a #1 country hit in 1996

A sample of this song as performed by Oracle is available by clicking on either of the links below.  The RealAudio file will stream to your computer rather quickly assuming you have the RealAudio player installed.  The MP3 file must download completely first, but is of a higher audio quality.
Streaming RealAudio Download MP3

Other Shania Twain Songs Performed by Oracle:

Mind if I sit down 
Can I buy you a round?
Haven't seen your face before 
Are you new in town?
It's the same old line 
Oh every time
Are you here alone? 
Can I take you home?

Now every woman sees 
With every "pretty please"
There's a pair of lyin' eyes 
And a set of keys
He says come be a star 
In the back seat of my car
Oh but baby slow down 
You're goin' way too far

Let me make it clear to you my dear yeah

If you're not, in it, for love
If you're not, willin', to give it all you got
If you're not in it for life 
If you're not in it for love
Let me make it clear 
To you my dear
If you're not in it for love 
I'm outta here!

Babe I can change your world 
Make you a cover girl
Yeah you could be a beauty queen 
In a magazine
Now tell me, what's your sign? 
Why always the same old line?
I'll be number 409 
If you change your mind

Let me make it clear to you my dear

If you're not, in it, for love
If you're not, willin', to give it all you got
If you're not in it for life 
If you're not in it for love
Let me make it clear 
To you my dear
If you're not in it for love 
I'm outta here!

If you're not In it for love (baby)
If you're not willin' to give it all you got
If you're not in it for life If you're not in it for love (2x)
I'm outta here

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711