Strong Enough - Cher
Song Lyrics / Chart History / Artist Information

  • Written by Mark Taylor and Paul Barry
  • Originally written for and performed by Cher (born Cheryl Sarkisian on 5/20/46)
  • One of America's most accomplished performers.  In addition to being an outstanding singer, Cher is an accomplished actress of both television and movies, songwriter, and author 
  • She has won an Academy Award, a Grammy Award, an Emmy Award and three Golden Globe Awards
  • The song Strong Enough was the second single from her smash 1999 album "Believe"
  • It only reached #57 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, but was #1 on the Hot Dance Club Play chart and was #5 on the UK Singles chart
  • It also reached #29 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart

Other songs By Cher also performed by Oracle:

Song Lyrics - Strong Enough

I don't need your sympathy
There's nothing you can say or do for me
And I don't want a miracle
You'll never change for no one

I hear your reasons why
Where did you sleep last night?
And was she worth it, was she worth it?

īCos I'm strong enough
To live without you
Strong enough and I quit crying
Long enough now I'm strong enough
To know you gotta go

There's no more to say
So save your breath
And then walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know you gotta go

So you feel misunderstood
Baby, have I got news for you
On being used, I could write a book
You don't wanna hear about it

I've been losing sleep
You've been going cheap
She ain't worth half of me it's true
I'm telling you

Now I'm strong enough to live without you
Strong enough and I quit crying
Long enough now I'm strong enough
To know you gotta go

Come hell or waters high
You'll never see me cry
This is our last goodbye, it's true

I'm telling you
That I'm strong enough to live without you
Strong enough and I quit crying
Long enough now I'm strong enough
To know you gotta go

There's no more to say
So save your breath
And you walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know you gotta go

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711



The Very Best of Cher

If you like the music of Cher, this is the CD for you.

Contains all of Cher's classic hits over the years, from "I Got You Babe" with her husband & partner Sonny Bono, to the most current solo  material like "Believe" and "I've Finally Found Someone"

A great price from Amazon as well!


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