Why Don't We Get Drunk - Jimmy Buffett
Song Lyrics / Chart History / Artist Information

  • Written and performed by Jimmy Buffett (born 12/25/46 in Mobile Alabama)
  • For more info on Jimmy Buffett visit the official homepage at www.margaritaville.com 
  • You can also visit www.fansites.com for links and more information on Jimmy Buffett as well as hundreds of other bands and musicians
  • Jimmy Buffett was once on the staff as a reporter at Billboard Magazine (1969-1970)
  • "Why Don't We Get Drunk" is originally from the 1973 album A White Sport Coat & A Pink Crustacean
  • It was never released as a single and as such never appeared on the Billboard Magazine Hot 100 Singles chart, but it's popularity at parties is unquestionable

Check out these links for other Jimmy Buffett songs performed by Oracle:

Song Lyrics - Why Don't We Get Drunk

I really do, appreciate, 
The fact you're sittin' here
Your voice sounds so wonderful, 
But your face don't look too clear
So barmaid, bring a pitcher, 
Another round of brew,
Honey why don't we get drunk, and screw?

Why don't we get drunk, and screw?
I just bought a waterbed, 
It's filled up for me and you
They say you are a snuff queen,
Honey I don't think that's true,
So why don't we get drunk, and screw?


Why don't we get drunk, and screw?
I just bought a waterbed, 
It's filled up for me and you
They say you are a snuff queen,
Honey I don't think that's true,
So why don't we get drunk, and screw, 
Yeah now baby, I said
Why don't we get drunk, and screw?

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711


Jimmy Buffett
Songs You Know By Heart

We know people that have actually worn out this CD.  This CD contains just about every major hit by the worlds most celebrated (but hard working) beach bum.

Thirteen tracks, including:

Come Monday
Why Don't We Get Drunk
Cheeseburger in Paradise
...and 8 more familiar Jimmy Buffett classics

Purchase today from Amazon.com for under $10.  


Boats, Beaches, Bars & Ballads
Jimmy Buffett boxed set

This is the ultimate Jimmy Buffett collection.  Released in 1992 this four disc 72 song set contains every hit Buffett had done up to that point, as well as a number of lesser known but nonetheless endearing songs.

You'll hear James Taylor sings backup on one tune,  Steve Winwood on organ on another, and several live performances of some of his classics you probably haven't heard before.

With too many tracks to list here (you can see all the titles at the Amazon.com page), you can be assured that all of Buffett's best are included on this CD.

This is one of the great gift sets you can give to just abut anyone, as these songs appeal to just about everyone! 


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