Zoot Suit Riot - Cherry Poppin Daddies
Song Lyrics, Chart History, Artist Information

  • As performed by the Cherry Poppin' Daddies
  • A revival swing hit from 1998
  • The song tit #12 on the Top 40 charts
  • The song was inspired by a renowned 1943 incident when white servicemen entered Los Angeles' ghettos in mobs to attack zoot suit wearing Hispanics

Zoot Suit Riot - Song Lyrics

Who's that whisperin' in the trees?
It's two sailors and they're on leave
Pipes and chains and swingin' hands
Who's your daddy, yes I am

Fat cat came to play now he can't run fast enough
You had best stay away when the pushers come to shove

Zoot suit riot, (Riot) 
Throw back a bottle of beer
Zoot suit riot (Riot) 
Pull a comb through your coal black hair
Zoot suit riot, (Riot) 
Throw back a bottle of beer
Zoot suit riot (Riot) 
Pull a comb through your coal black hair
Blow Daddy

A whipped up jitterbuggin' brown eyed man
A stray cat frontin' up an eight-piece band
Cut me Sammy and you'll understand
In my veins hot music ran

You got me in a sway, and I want to swing you done
Now you sailors know, where your women come for love

Zoot suit riot, (Riot) 
Throw back a bottle of beer
Zoot suit riot (Riot) 
Pull a comb through your coal black hair
Zoot suit riot, (Riot) 
Throw back a bottle of beer
Zoot suit riot (Riot) 
Pull a comb through your coal black hair

You're in a Zoot Suit riot

Zoot zy-ow - Zoot za zoo zay 
Hey al-oo-ay-en - zay zay zay
Zoot zy-ay-ay ow - Zoot za zoo zay 
Ze-zoo-ze-zehoo - day de day

You got me in a sway, and I want to swing you done
Now you sailors know, where your women come for love

Zoot suit riot, (Riot) 
Throw back a bottle of beer
Zoot suit riot (Riot) 
Pull a comb through your coal black hair
Zoot suit riot, (Riot) 
Throw back a bottle of beer
Zoot suit riot (Riot) 
Pull a comb through your coal black hair

You're in a zoot suit riot

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711


Zoot Suit Riot

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