Oracle 2004 - The Year in Review - Page 6

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There are a great many bands in the Washington DC / Baltimore / Annapolis area.

It is really heartwarming to know that with so many choices, and with so many places to go, our Oracle Family comes out on a regular basis to catch our shows.

We've said it before, and we'll continue to say it, we cannot thank you guys enough for your support.  Your comments, suggestions, and even <gasp> constructive criticism have and continue to sustain us.

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So many pictures, so  many good friends, and so little space.  

I case you haven't noticed, when we take photos at our various performances around town we prefer to show the fans, not the band.

We feel that showing lots of pictures of people having a great time is much more interesting than seeing shot after shot of the band in various poses.

As you are probably aware, we've taken lots more photos throughout the year.  Many of them are posted in the various photo galleries on this website.

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Are we gushing yet?  Is it getting too sickly sweet telling you jut how much we appreciate all of our friends?

OK...we'll stop for now.  We're just about out of time and space anyway.

So, without further ado, we'll say a final thank you to all of our friends who have been there for us.  This entire page has been dedicated to you, and whether it's gushing or not, we mean every word of it!!!

Veronica & her good friend Irene, who came out to hear the band for the very first time.
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Well...that's it folks.  The photos of 2004, brought to you in all their glory.  We're looking forward to 2005, as it promises to be just as special if not even better.

We can't tell you how much fun this little retrospective has been.  perhaps it's more fun for the band than for our friends...who knows.  The bottom line is that we really DO have fun doing this, and we hope that the enjoyment that we get in performing for you guys comes across in that performance.

It doesn't matter whether it's a wedding or a club or a concert or a benefit...we LOVE to perform and see people enjoying themselves.  And THAT'S what it's all about!

Have a safe and happy 2005, and we hope to see you often!!!

2004 - Oracle Band Year In Review Page 1