1st Annual Oracle Band Holiday Party

J&Js Afterdeck
Pasadena, Maryland
Saturday Evening, December 11, 2004

It was somewhere during the summertime when the band got the germ of an idea...to host a holiday party for our fans as a way of saying "thank you" for the support they have shown us throughout the year.

holiday-party-21.jpg (135808 bytes)We asked a lot of people what kind of event they would like to see, and the vast majority said it would be great to have a dinner with the band, where fans could actually sit down and socialize with the band members for a period of something longer than a 20 minute break between sets.

Well, one thing let to another, and when the opportunity presented itself to hold the party at J&Js Afterdeck in Pasadena Maryland following an afternoon performance for a Ravens Roost party, we jumped at the chance.

The rest, as they say, is history.  A full house came out to talk, sing, dance, drink, eat, and party the night away.

Thanks again to all of the fans that helped make the evening such a success.  So, without further ado, we present here photos from this very special evening.

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Photos from Other Afterdeck Performances

Afterdeck - July 2007
Afterdeck - May 2007
Afterdeck - January 2007
Afterdeck - November 2006
Aftedeck - September 2006
Afterdeck May 2006
Afterdeck - April 2006
Afterdeck - January 2006
Oracle Holiday Party 2005 at Afterdeck
Afterdeck - November 2005
Afterdeck - October 2005
Afterdeck - August 2005
Afterdeck - July 2005
Afterdeck - June 2005
Afterdeck - April 2005
Afterdeck - March 2005
Oracle Holiday Party 2004 at Afterdeck
Ravens Roost Party at Afterdeck 2004
Afterdeck - November 2004
Afterdeck - September 2004
Afterdeck - May 2004
Afterdeck April 2004
Afterdeck - March 2004
Afterdeck - February 2004
Afterdeck - January 2004
Afterdeck - November 2003

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Copyright 2007 by Oracle Band