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It has sort of become a tradition with Oracle Band to
present a pictorial "year in review" series presenting photos and
information from the past year. We look forward to doing these
retrospectives because sometimes the year flies by so fast we lose track
of where the year actually went!
The fans all seem to get a kick out of them as well,
since we take so many photos at our performances, and we focus (forgive
the pun) on the audience rather than the band, so our fans get to relive
moments from the previous year as well.
Click on any of the images below for an enlarged view.
Let's go!!!
As with last year, we're going to start our
retrospective where we left off last year, the big New Years Bash
This was our second consecutive year performing
for the American Legion Post 175 in Severna Park Maryland.
We've said it before and we'll say it again...you won't find a
better group of people anywhere. A sold out house helped usher
in the New Year with enthusiasm.
The warmth, caring, and friendliness we receive
from the members of the Legion is simply wonderful. The events
put on by the American Legion, the Sons of the American Legion, and
the Legion Auxiliary benefit veterans, victims of disaster, and the
physically challenged worldwide, and they are all to be commended.
Want to see more photos? Check out the
2004-2005 New Years Party at American Legion Post 175.
In January Oracle premiered at a brand new club in Glen Burnie
called Whispers.
With the somewhat dubious former name of "Rumblefish", the club
had new ownership with an exciting concept to provide a nice
restaurant along with first class entertainment.
The place had many hurdles to overcome, such as distancing itself
from the former image of the club, attracting a new clientele, and
licensing challenges. When we first started performing there they
weren't even permitted to have a dance floor, so our Oracle
stalwarts simply danced on the carpet!
However, as the year progressed one hurdle after another was
cleared, and today Whispers is the hottest new spot in Anne Arundel
County. The brand new dance floor is spacious and inviting,
and the stage itself allows for a great show.
The food is excellent, and the crowds there have been growing
week after week.
We're really looking forward to seeing where 2006 takes us at
Whispers. The management there continues is plans for new and
exciting ways to make the place a wonderful entertainment hotspot.
Check out the
Whispers Photo Gallery for all of the archived photos from our
performances during 2005.
The holidays are a time when lots of couples get
engaged, and then are faced with the daunting task of planning
a wedding.
At the Baltimore Convention Center we participated
in the Baltimore Bridal Showcase. Newly engaged couples from all
over the area come out to look for their photographers, wedding
dress, florists, reception sites, and yes...their BAND!
You can visit the Oracle
Band Calendar page to see when we'll be appearing at the next
big bridal show, which are typically held in the winter and in the
fall. The band receives some comp tickets to the show for our
prospective clients, so if you or someone you know is getting
married anytime soon, let us know and we'll send out some tickets.
It's all part of bring a member of the Oracle family!
Perry's Restaurant in Odenton Maryland continues to be one of Oracle's
favorite places to perform.
We perform Friday and Saturday nights there, which is great in that
we only have to set everything up once and break it down once, but
we get to play twice! We can't tell you how nice it is to be
able to come in on a Saturday evening and just turn the amps on and
play without spending two hours setting everything up!
The other great thing about playing two nights in a row at the same
place is that we get to do our "no repeat weekends", where we play
totally different songs each night. Folks come out both nights
and hear completely different music. It allows us to showcase
the size of our songlist,
which now has almost 500 titles.
We love to take pictures at Perry's. You just never know
what's going to be happening there. We've probably taken more
photos at Perry's than at any other club we play.
We maintain a complete archive of all the best photos we've taken
over the years, so folks can look back and reminisce. You can
see photos from all of our Perry's performances by heading over to
Perry's Restaurant Photo
February found the band back at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in
Odenton for the first time since New Years 2001, as the band
performed for a Valentine's Day dance.
The performance also marked the first time that Oracle's newest
member, Nikki Herrera, performed with the band.
In March Oracle was at the American Legion Post 175 for their annual
St Patrick's Day Party.
The green beer was flowing and the luck of the Irish was everywhere
as the Legion's resident leprechaun spread the gold pieces around.
For more photos from this evening check out the
St Patrick's Day 2005 Photo Gallery.
The early spring also found the band performing at a pair of fund
raisers, one in March and one in April, for the American Legion
Howard L. Turner Post 276 in Severn Maryland.
The folks over at Severn really know how to throw a party, as the
dance floor remained busy each time we performed there.
In March of 2005 Veronica and the rest of the Herrera family took
advantage of a rare weekend off to travel back home to Manila in the
Philippines to visit with family and friends.
What had originally been planned as a simple trip to visit turned
into a full fledged family reunion, as all four of her brothers and
all four of her sisters (yeah...BIG family), all came together for
the first time in 15 years under the same roof at the same time.
With family members spread literally all over the world, it was a
reunion that could only have been dreamed of, yet somehow it all
managed to come together perfectly.
For the whole story on her trip, check out
Veronica's Family Reunion in Manila.
2005 - Oracle
Band Year In Review Page 1
2005 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 2 2005 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 3 2005 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 4 2005 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 5 2005 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 6
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