American Legion Post 175

St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Friday, March 18, 2005

band-1.jpg (118374 bytes)It was a great evening for a party.  Yes...technically it was the day AFTER St. Patrick's Day, but as everyone knows being Irish is not about a day but about a state of mind.

Well, we can tell you that everyone at the Legion this night was in the right frame of mind as we chowed down on corned beef, cabbage, carrots & potatoes, then everyone hit the dance floor for a night of general partying.

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friends-4.jpg (112752 bytes) In addition to the general mayhem of a St' Patrick's Day party going on, two other celebrations of note were taking place.

It the above left photo, our good friend and Legion mainstay Doris was celebrating her birthday.  (That's Doris on the left...boogying down on the dance floor.  We think she looks pretty good for a 39 year old...don't you?

Then the other celebration we were celebrating was our good friend and Oracle fan Carla, who despite recent surgery was out on the dance floor a good part of the night as we celebrated her birthday with her.  We'd be willing to bet her doctor wouldn't be too thrilled about her dancing around with that cast on her foot!!!

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Other Photos from American Legion Post 175

Post 175 - August 2007
New Year's Party - 2006
Post 175 - October 2006
Post 175 - August 2006
Post 175 - June 2006
Post 175 - April 2006
Post 175 - St Patrick's Day 2006
New Years Party 2005
Post 175 - August 2005
Post 175 - April 2005
Post 175 - St. Patrick's Day 2005
Post 175 - February 2005
New Years Party 2004
Post 175 - October 2004
Post 175 - September 2004
Post 175 May & June 2004
Post 175 January 2004
Post 175 Valentines Day 2004
Post 175 St Patrick's Day 2004
New Years Party 2003
Post 175  August 2003
New Years Party 2001
Additional Photos From American Legion Post 175

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19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

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