January 2004 at American Legion Post 175

January 30, 2004

It was our first night back after the big New Years blast at the Legion, and the Oracle fans were out in force as we partied the night away.
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Other Photos from American Legion Post 175

Post 175 - August 2007
New Year's Party - 2006
Post 175 - October 2006
Post 175 - August 2006
Post 175 - June 2006
Post 175 - April 2006
Post 175 - St Patrick's Day 2006
New Years Party 2005
Post 175 - August 2005
Post 175 - April 2005
Post 175 - St. Patrick's Day 2005
Post 175 - February 2005
New Years Party 2004
Post 175 - October 2004
Post 175 - September 2004
Post 175 May & June 2004
Post 175 January 2004
Post 175 Valentines Day 2004
Post 175 St Patrick's Day 2004
New Years Party 2003
Post 175  August 2003
New Years Party 2001
Additional Photos From American Legion Post 175


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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711
E-mail: Info@OracleBand.net