Oracle at Perry's Restaurant
Odenton, Maryland
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Shown here are some of the archived photos from past performances at Perry's Restaurant in Odenton Maryland.  

We're always adding new photos as we perform additional dates, but we like for our friends and fans to have an opportunity to reminisce about the great times we've all had there.

If you've never been to Perry's, perhaps these scenes of pure FUN will entice you out to check the place out the next time we're performing there.  Check out our calendar page to find out when we'll be back there, as well as for a link to directions to Perry's.

To view the most recent photos from Perry's, click HERE.

Click for enlarged view. Getting down on the dance floor at Perrys
Click for enlarged view. The dancers get wild and crazy as the party at Perry's continues. As the photos above and to the left can attest, the dance floor is seldom empty at Perry's.  From the first song to the last there is always entertainment on the dance floor as well as on the stage.

Click for enlarged view. Oracle Band and their tambourine section Click for enlarged view. Getting everybody into the act.
Oracle is always on the lookout for accomplished tambourine soloists.  If you can shake it, you're qualified!  

Everybody deserves their moment in the spotlight, and we're all too happy to oblige.

Once again, the ongoing theme at an Oracle Band performance...FUN!!!

We were honored to have Veronica's mom and sister out to hear the band for the very first time at a Perry's performance.  After traveling all the way from the Philippines, we caught Mom out on the dance floor several times, and she hung in there all the way to closing time.  Compared to her mother, Veronica's sister had a relatively short trip in from San Diego.  Nothing like bringing in our fans from all parts of the globe!!!

The management and staff at Perry's has always been especially nice to the band, and we'd like to express our appreciation to them for all the little things they do to make our performances there a pleasure.

As you can see, the staff there really like to get into the spirit, even hitting the dance floor for an occasional line dance when the mood strikes.

Perry's Restaurant in Odenton Maryland - The dance floor is always busy when Oracle performs
Click for enlarged view. Dancers hit the floor for a classic line dance Click for enlarged view. The dance floor at Perry's Restaurant in Odenton Maryland is seldom empty when Oracle performs there.

Want to see more photos?  

Perry's - September 1, 2007
Perry's - August 31, 2007
Perry's - July 13, 2007
Perry's - June 9, 2007
Perry's - June 8, 2007
Perry's - May 12, 2007
Perry's - May 11, 2007
Perry's - April 13, 2007
Perry's - March 3, 2007
Perry's - March 2, 2007
Perry's - January 13, 2007
Perry's - January 12, 2007
Perry's - November 25, 2006
Perry's November 24, 2006
Halloween Costume Contest Winners - 2006
Perry's - Halloween 2006
Perry's - October 27, 2006
Perry's - September 23, 2006
Perry's - August 12, 2006
Perry's - August 11, 2006
Perry's - July 1, 2006
Perry's - June 30, 2006
Perry's - May 13, 2006
Perry's - May 12, 2006
Perry's - March / April 2006
Perry's - February 25, 2006
Perry's - February 24, 2006
Perry's - January 21, 2006
Perry's - January 20, 2006
Perry's - November 2005
Halloween 2005 - Perry's Restaurant
Perry's - October 28, 2005
Perry's - September 10, 2005
Perry's - September 9, 2005
Perry's - July 30, 2005
Perry's - July 29, 2005
Perry's - June 25, 2005
Perry's - June 24, 2005
Perry's - May 14, 2005
Perry's - May 13, 2005
Perry's - April 2, 2005
Perry's - April 1, 2005
Perry's - February 2005
Perry's - January 2005
Perry's - November 2004
Halloween 2004 at Perry's (Saturday Halloween Bash)
Halloween 2004 at Perry's (Friday Pre-Halloween Party)
Halloween 2004 at Perry's (Costume Contest Winners)
Halloween 2004 at Perry's - Band Costumes
Perry's - September 2004
Perry's - July 2004
Perry's - June 2004 - Veronica's Birthday
Perry's - March 2004
Perry's - February 2004
Perry's - January 2004
Halloween 2003 at Perry's
Halloween 2003 at Perry's - Band costumes
Halloween 2003 at Perry's  - Costume Contest Winners
Perry's - August 2003
Perry's - July 2003
Perry's - May 2003
Perry's - March 2003
Photo Gallery - Perry's Restaurant (Archived 2)
Photo Gallery - Perry's Restaurant )Archived)

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711