Oracle Band Live at Whispers Restaurant

Saturday, October 7, 2005

oracle-band-1.jpg (108078 bytes)What a fun night for a party, as guest violinist Nikki Herrera joined the band onstage to rip through several classics, including "Devil Went Down To Georgia".

A great crowd was on hand, including several of our friends from the group Changing Focus.  It had been a while since we've last seen them and it was good to have them back.

With a huge stage and an equally large dance floor, Whispers has quickly become one of the premiere hotspots in the area for folks looking to dine, dance, and have a great time.

Click on any of the images below for an enlarged view.

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Check out these other photos from Oracle performances at Whispers Restaurant:

Whispers - 9/8/07
Whispers - 9/7/07
Whispers - 8/3/07
Whispers - 7/6/07
Whispers - 4/20/07
Whispers 2/2/2007
Whispers - 12/1/2006
Whispers - 9/29/06
Whispers - 6/16/06 & 6/17/06
Whispers Restaurant 5/19/06 & 5/20/06
Whispers Restaurant - 4/14/2006
Whispers Restaurant - 3/10/06 & 3/11/06
Whispers Restaurant - 11/26/2005
Whispers Restaurant - 10/7/05
Whispers Restaurant 9-2-2005
Whispers Restaurant 8-26-05
Whispers Restaurant - 5/28/2005
Whispers Restaurant - 1/28/2005

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Copyright 2007 by Oracle Band