Photo Gallery - Oracle Band at
Whispers Restaurant

Friday, December 1, 2006
Glen Burnie, Maryland

Norma-Paul.jpg (86506 bytes)It was our final public performance for 2006 before the big New Years Bash, and a dedicated crowd of folks came out to Whispers Restaurant to dance, drink, and party the night away.

It was our very distinct pleasure to acknowledge the engagement of tow of our very good friends, Norma and Paul, who can routinely be found out on the dance floor at Oracle performances.

Congratulations guys!

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Check out these other photos from Oracle performances at Whispers Restaurant:

Whispers - 9/8/07
Whispers - 9/7/07
Whispers - 8/3/07
Whispers - 7/6/07
Whispers - 4/20/07
Whispers 2/2/2007
Whispers - 12/1/2006
Whispers - 9/29/06
Whispers - 6/16/06 & 6/17/06
Whispers Restaurant 5/19/06 & 5/20/06
Whispers Restaurant - 4/14/2006
Whispers Restaurant - 3/10/06 & 3/11/06
Whispers Restaurant - 11/26/2005
Whispers Restaurant - 10/7/05
Whispers Restaurant 9-2-2005
Whispers Restaurant 8-26-05
Whispers Restaurant - 5/28/2005
Whispers Restaurant - 1/28/2005

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Copyright 2007 by Oracle Band