Oracle Band at Jim's Hideaway

Friday, August 1st, 2002

This was our first performance back at Jim's Hideaway in Odenton in quite a few weeks, and man did it turn into a great party!

Click on any of the images for a larger view.

friends_1.jpg (193618 bytes) The Oracle Band friends and family came out strong in August to the band's return performance at Jim's Hideaway.

We saw lots of familiar faces as well as plenty of new ones, and as a result the Oracle Family got bigger as we had a whole bunch on new subscribers to the Oracle Newsletter.

dancers_1.jpg (189587 bytes) friends_3.jpg (169191 bytes)

friends_2.jpg (194914 bytes) We're not exactly what the deal is here with the salt shaker, but it gives new meaning to that line in Margaritaville that goes "searching for my lost shaker of salt"!!!

We're always happy to e-mail out the larger original shots if you find yourself in one and want it for a keepsake.

friends_4.jpg (174502 bytes) It's always a party at Jim's, as you can see.  Remember, you can click on any of these photos to see them full screen.

We like to take photos at each and every Oracle Band performance, so people can see just how much FUN everyone has.

dancers_2.jpg (147210 bytes) veronne.jpg (185290 bytes)

We were real pleased to have Glenn's brother Dave join the band on stage.  Dave was in visiting from Austin Texas.

This is a shot of the Jones boys on stage together. Glenn says they've never been in the same band together.

Want to see some more photos from past Oracle performances at Jim's Hideaway?

1-23-2004 Jim's Hideaway Photos
12-19-2003 Jim's Hideaway Holiday Party Photos
11-21-2003 Jim's Hideaway Photos
9/12/2003 Jim's Hideaway Photos
8/1/2003 Jim's Hideaway Photos
4-11-2003 Jim's Hideaway Photos

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711