Oracle at Jim's Hideaway - Odenton Maryland

A party at Jim' Hideaway  is like no other.  The band always draws a really good crowd to this little nightclub / restaurant hidden just off the beaten track in Odenton Maryland.  For more information on Jim's Hideaway, visit their website at  The crabs there are some of the best we've ever had, and there is always live music on Friday nights.  Check out our CALENDAR to see when we'll be back at Jim's.

The following photos show a little of what a typical Friday night is like at Jim's Hideaway when Oracle is performing there.  You can click on any image to see it full size.  If you are on a dial up connection these pages may take  up to a minute to load completely, depending on your connection speed.  We update the gallery every time we perform there, so visit regularly...maybe you'll see yourself there!

Click for enlarged view. A dance floor sandwich at Jim's Hideaway - lucky guy! The dance floor can get pretty crowded when Oracle performs at Jim's.  It may not have the biggest dance floor, but as you can see from the shot on the left, sometimes you LIKE things a little tight ;-)
Click for enlarged view.  The Changing focus folks and many others help make a night at Jim's Hideaway a major party Click for enlarged view.  Oracle Band on stage at Jim's Hideaway

We really like it when the dance floor is packed and everyone is having a great time.  When we perform at Jim's (and at all the other clubs we perform at), we always take as many requests as we can possibly honor.  The next time you're out our way go ahead and let us know what song YOU'D like us to play.  We LOVE requests!

Click for enlarged view. The dance floor can get pretty crowded when Oracle performs at Jim's Hideaway.
Our Oracle Band fans are absolutely the BEST!  We can always count on you all to make each and every one of our performances memorable.

If you'd like a reminder so you know when Oracle will be performing publicly, head on over to our Mailing List page and join the Oracle family.  We'll send you regular newsletters with all of our upcoming performances, as well as juicy little tidbits about the band and the places we play.

We always bring the full production to Jim's.  Granted this means that it takes us three times longer than other bands to set up and break down, but man, the performance gets really EXCITING when everything is spinning, flashing and dancing. It is this excitement that makes every Oracle performance so much FUN!

Click for enlarged view. Oracle Band brings the full producttion into Jim's Hideaway
Click for enlarged view. Our friend Ginger celebrates her birthday with the band Click for enlarged view.
Click for enlarged view. We love it when people are having a good time! The band has been performing at Jim's Hideaway now for a couple of years, and each time we come back we meet new friends who are having a great time. 
Want to see some more photos from performances at Jim's?  Check out some of these other photos we've taken from past performances!

1-23-2004 Jim's Hideaway Photos
12-19-2003 Jim's Hideaway Holiday Party Photos
11-21-2003 Jim's Hideaway Photos
9/12/2003 Jim's Hideaway Photos
8/1/2003 Jim's Hideaway Photos
4-11-2003 Jim's Hideaway Photos

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Copyright 2007 by Oracle Band