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In 2001 we prepared our first "Oracle Band Year In
Review" pictorial. It was all of two web pages long, and the lead
caption told us about the turmoil of the election of President Bush and
the disastrous events of September 11th.
Here we are SEVEN years later. As the old
commercial used to say, "you've come a long way baby".
There were a couple of major events that changed
the face and direction of the band.
first was the permanent addition of our electric violinist Nikki, going
from "resident guest artist" to permanent member present at every
performance. Nikki's presence has given the band a spark of energy
that has helped keep us going, and has added lots of new fans to the
The other big event, detailed shortly in photos
on this page, was our performance at the Chesapeake Commodore's Club
Ball in Ocean City in January. This enormous gathering of past
commodore's from all the area boat and yacht clubs literally opened the
flood gates of requests for the band to perform at clubs from Jersey to
the Eastern Shore.
So, enough for the introduction. Let's get
on with the pictorial, and reminisce about the past year and all the fun
performances we've seen. As we mentioned last year, this essay is
as much fun for the band as it is for the fans...and perhaps more so.
Let's do it. Click on any of the images
below for an enlarged view.
Beginning or the
As with past pictorials we start
where we left off, with a recap of the first performance of the
year...the annual New Years Party.
For the fourth year in a
row Oracle was invited to perform at the American
Legion Post 175 in Severna Park as we ushered out 2006 and welcomed
We go back a long way with the
folks at the Legion. It's nice to play somewhere and know so
many names and even more faces...it really is like a family
Included in the audience was
the band's biggest fan, our good friend Wesley, who loves to dance .
Wes can be found out on the dance floor at many of Oracle's
performances throughout the year.
The folks at the Legion are
definitely party people. Despite the fact that the party
started around 7:00, at the time we finished breaking everything
down and loading the trucks and trailer, there were STILL a big
group of people up in the lounge celebrating the beginning of the
new year...at 4:30 in the morning!
Want to see more photos? Check out the
New Years Party at American Legion Post 175 photo gallery.


Chesapeake Commodore's Club - Ocean City
Oracle's first performance of the new year was
destined to have a significant impact on the band and our future
performance schedule.
The Chesapeake Commodore's Club holds their
annual ball the very first weekend in January in Ocean City
Maryland. The party is so big it takes an entire weekend, from
Friday through Sunday afternoon.
Well over 600 people were in attendance for
this spectacular party, and the band was on hand both Friday and
Saturday to perform for past commodores of the various area boat and
yacht clubs. The weekend was even more
special as it marked Veronica's first visit to Ocean City.
Saturday afternoon found the band down on the boardwalk where
Veronica had her first taste of the world famous Thrashers French
Fries, and then on down to Assateague Island to meet (up close and
personal) with the wild ponies made famous in the book "Misty of
Chincoteague". This party was to become
a major break for the band in that we were immediately deluged with
requests to perform for many of the other area yacht clubs. |
Perry's Restaurant
January saw the first of seven
weekend performances at Perry's Restaurant in Odenton Maryland.
Perry's has been an institution for the band from
the beginning. The restaurant underwent significant remodeling
during the course of the year, with the bar getting moved, the stage
relocated, and a real dance floor installed.
The one thing that didn't change
there were the great people that come out regularly to support
Oracle when we perform there.
Oracle remains the only band that can regularly
pack the house on both Friday and Saturday nights. When we
perform at Perry's you can always count on a great crowd of people
and dance floor that is hopping all evening long.
We'd like to thank the management and staff at
Perry's for always making our visits there memorable. Joanne,
Chris, and all the bartenders, waitresses, barbacks, cooks...they
are all family to us, and we really appreciate their efforts.
They don't always receive the credit that is their due, and we'd
like to send a salute out to them for their dedication and service.
Check out the
Perry's Restaurant Photo
Gallery for photos from performances throughout the year. |

Retirement Party
In February one of Oracle's best friends and
biggest fans retired from the US Naval Academy.
Active in activities at the American Legion
Post 175 in Severna Park, Linda's contributions have been many, and
we were proud to be a part of the huge retirement party they threw
at the Legion.
We'd like to wish Linda the best in her
"retirement", (we can't imagine her staying still for very long).
Our best wishes go out to her for whatever
path she decides to pursue from here forward.
Valentine's Day at Post 40
Valentine's Day in February
found Oracle performing at the American Legion Post 40 in Glen
Burnie. The young couple
pictured above were celebrating their 62nd wedding anniversary! It
was definitely an evening for love!
To see more photos from this performance go to
Post 40 Valentine's Day Photo Gallery. |

Chocolate Ball - Howard County
For the second year in a row Oracle was
honored to be invited for a return performance at the annual
"Chocolate Ball" at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in
Howard Country.
The March black-tie event was the major
benefit fund raiser for The Arc of Howard County, an organization
dedicated to improving the lives of those with cognitive and
developmental disabilities.
St. Patrick's Day - American
Legion Post 175
Once March rolls around that can
only mean one thing...anticipation of the annual St. Patrick's Day
party at the American Legion Post 175.
Oracle has performed for this
particular party for the past 5 years, & each year it grows bigger
and bigger. For 2007 the party was moved downstairs to
accommodate the larger crowds.
Featuring a meal of corned beef,
cabbage, and Irish potatoes, the band then kicks things off and we
party until the wee hours of the morning.
We took lots of photos at this
performance. You can view them all at the
American Legion St. Patrick's Day Photo Gallery


My Way - Laurel Maryland
March of 2007 marked the final performance of
Oracle at My Way Restaurant in Laurel. Towards the end of the
year the club was sold, but the memories remain.
The small size of the club always made it look
like a huge crowd was there every night. Indeed, most
performances we had every seat in the house reserved before the
doors even opened!
We made lots of good friends there at My Way,
and we hope that we'll be seeing lots of you at our other
performances throughout the area.
Visit the
My Way Photo
Galleries to look back on our past performances there.
2007 -
Oracle Band Year In Review Page 1
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